Let’s keep walking.
Just because we’re not the fastest…
Doesnt mean we won’t get there.
Why We Always Evacuate Women and Children First?
Have You Ever Killed Someone and Enjoyed It?
Every Goddamn Time
If I died and went straight to hell, it would take me a week to realize I wasn’t at work anymore.
A Married Man’s Prayer
Dear God,
you gave me childhood,
you took it away.
You gave me youth,
you took it away.
You gave me a wife…
It’s been years now,
just reminding You.
I Have a Husband
Man 1: So, you have a boyfriend?
Girl: Nope. I have a husband.
Man 1: [Noticed she doesn’t wear a ring.]
Man 2: Dude, don’t ask her the ring thing.
Man 1: Why?
Man 2: You don’t wanna know.
Man 1: [Fuck it] But, I don’t see a ring on your finger?
Girl: Yeah, to troll losers like you! [Walks away]
Man 1: …
Man 2: [Hugs the man] I feel you bro.
Man 1: Thanks, and you are?
Man 2: Her husband.
8 Vs 9 – I Am Higher Than You
Damn So Poor
A thief broke into my house last night. He started searching for money, so I woke up and searched with him.
Plant Date Palm
There is a saying that goes like, “Those who plant dates, do not harvest dates.” That’s because Date Palm trees take 80 to 90 years to bear the fruits.
Once, a young man met an old monk planting dates and asked, “Why are you planting dates if you know you will not harvest them?”
Wisely, the old monk replied with a kind smile on his face, “My son, go eat a fat d*ck. The yard is mine and I plant whatever that f*ck I want.”
Quote #118
Kemarin aku kembali bertemu wajah kehidupan.
Sesekali ia coba tersenyum, namun pahit.
Kupikir ia ingin bicara maka kuberikan telingaku.
Tak sepatah katapun diucapkannya.
Sambil mencoba membagi senyum kesana kemari, kulihat ia menunduk.
Ketika wajahnya muram, ia masih harus menerima beratus kata.
Dan aku bertanya, “Mengapa memaksanya mendengar ketika ia harusnya didengar?”
M. Sebayang