Russian Problems

A Russian went for an eye check up. The Doctor showed the letters on the board:


Doctor: Can you read this?
Russian: Read? I even know the guy. He’s my cousin.

I am Adopted

Alex: FML. Dude, Mom and Dad just told me I’m adopted.
Jake: LOL! I can’t believe they kept that from you! That’s hilarious, thanks God I’m not.
Alex: Jake… we’re twins.
Jake: So?
Alex: Think about it.
Jake: Sh*t…

Can I Ask A Question

Son: Dad, can I ask a question?
Dad: But you just did.
Son: LOL! Can I ask 2 questions?
Dad: But you already did!
Son: Then, can I ask 4 questions?
Dad: You just did again!
Son: But when?
Dad: Now.
Son: Dad, please…!!!