A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.
Quote #13
Who what am I? My answer: I am the sum total of everything that went before me, of all I have been seen done, of everything done-to-me. I am everyone everything whose being-in-the-world affected was affected by mine. I am anything that happens after I’ve gone which would not have happened if I had not come. Nor am I particularly exceptional in this matter; each “I”, everyone of the now-six-hundred-million-plus of us, contains a similar multitude. I repeat for the last time: to understand me, you’ll have to swallow a world.
Scientist Funeral Speech
“When does a man die? When he is hit by a bullet? No! When he suffers a disease? No! When he ate a soup made out of a poisonous mushroom? No! A man dies when he is forgotten!”
-Dr. Hiluluk-
It is funny when we thought that someone is dead and we are all wrong. If we make an inspection, we know that the person is dead when his heart stops beating. It is quite true if we call the person is dead. Somehow, there are things that make them is not dead at all.
Technically, we store every memories with the person we love. Nerves that we have can easily triggers the memories. Sight will bring back the love memories. Smell will bring back the sad and romantic memories. And if someone had blood bonds biologically is a half copy of the dead person. In some extreme ways, the bone cells can be used, though to make a DNA copy and recreate the dead person.
Technically, we are emanating energy to everything around us. Those energies are some stored in people around us, specially those who are close to us. Remember that energy cannot be destroyed, then it made us live in others immortally. Knows that we are bouncing every photons that ever touch our skin. Those photons have the exact copy of our appearance, and again, as long as we are not die around a dark matter, we can quite sure that the photon is not destroyed.
No one has ever really died. No one, based on the theory above. And somehow we all live forever.
Source: www.adityayedija.com
Quote #12
When does a man die? When he is hit by a bullet? No! When he suffers a disease? No! When he ate a soup made out of a poisonous mushroom? No! A man dies when he is forgotten!
Seorang Kakek Kehilangan Kuda
“Adakalanya kerugian menjadi awal keberuntungan; sebaliknya, keberuntungan menjadi awal kerugian.”
-50 Chinese Wisdom-
Alkisah di daerah utara China yang berbatasan dengan suku penggembala, hiduplah seorang kakek dengan anaknya. Mereka tinggal di sebuah rumah dan memelihara seekor kuda.
Suatu hari kuda mereka hilang, lari jauh melewati daerah perbatasan. Mendengar kabar ini, para tetangga berdatangan menyatakan rasa simpati dan menghibur mereka. Kakek itu berkata, “Terima kasih, Saudara sekalian. Saya pribadi beranggapan bahwa hilangnya kuda ini bukan tak mungkin dapat membawa suatu berkah.”
Beberapa bulan kemudian kudanya kembali dengan membawa seekor kuda lagi. Para tetangganya pun berdatangan untuk memberi selamat. Kali ini si kakek berkata, “Walaupun mendapatkan seekor kuda, tidak berarti hal ini suatu keberuntungan. Bisa saja kuda ini membawa bencana.”
Suatu hari, anaknya mencoba menunggang kuda tersebut, namun jatuh dan kakinya patah. Para tetangga berdatangan lagi, kali ini untuk menyatakan rasa simpati. Namun kakek itu berkata, “Bagaimana kalian yakin kejadian ini sesuatu yang buruk?”
Tidak lama setelah peristiwa itu, suku pengembara menyerang China bagian utara. Setiap pemuda yang sehat wajib ikut berperang untuk membela negara. Karena kaki anak itu patah, ia terlepas dari wajib militer dan selamatlah nyawanya. Mereka yang ikut berperang, hampir semuanya gugur.
Manakah yang untung dan manakah yang rugi? Semua hal ada untung-ruginya. Oleh sebab itu janganlah terlalu bersedih bila Anda mengalami hal-hal yang kurang menyenangkan, seperti kehilangan dan kegagalan. Siapa tahu hal itu merupakan awal dari suatu keberuntungan?
Kita sering mendengar istilah “untungnya Indonesia”. Istilah itu menyiratkan makna bahwa orang yang mengucapkannya melihat sisi positif peristiwa yang terjadi. Misalnya, orang yang tertabrak sepeda motor masih dibilang untung, “Untung kakinya tidak patah.” Kalau pun kakinya patah satu, masih juga dibilang untung, “Untung tidak patah dua-duanya.” Bahkan kalau kedua kakinya patah, masih juga dibilang untung, “Untung tidak mati.”
Jadi, dalam setiap ketidakmujuran masih mungkin terselip keberuntungan. Tergantung kita, apakah kita mampu melihat dan menemukan titik keberuntungan itu, atau tidak.
Kalau Anda ingin merasakan kebahagiaan, sekali-sekali Anda perlu melihat dan membandingkan keadaan diri Anda dengan keadaan mereka yang lebih menderita. Niscaya Anda akan merasa lebih beruntung, lebih berbahagia, dan lebih bersyukur.
Ketika kakek kehilangan kuda, siapa yang tahu hal itu adalah keberuntungan?
Hey Arnold! Theory
Hey Arnold! Theory, is it true?
About every ’90s kid knows the Nickelodeon series, “Hey Arnold!”. The show about a small boy with an odd shaped head. That’s about the first thing you notice, the oddly shaped heads the characters have. We’ll get back to that later on.
I want to tell you one thing first. The show isn’t fiction. It has all happened. That’s why there are a lot of life lessons in it.
Arnold is a boy who lives in a “fictional” city. The city actually is New York. The poor area of New York, it’s clearly visible that Arnold lives in a ghetto. He’s just a poor orphan living in with his grandparents Gertie and Phil. Well, he BELIEVES he’s an orphan. He actually is the child of the people he believes to be his grandparents. The grandparents are mentally unstable and told Arnold that his real parents, of normal age, died in a plane crash. That’s not true at all.
Because Gertie and Phil were old when they “made” Arnold, he was born with a few conditions. One of them is hydrocephalus. That the reason his head has such an odd shape. There’s one type of hydrocephalus, the one Arnold suffers from, that’s called the Arnold Chiari syndrome. That’s the reason why the creators decided to call the boy Arnold.
Gertie and Phil themselves are mentally unstable. This is because of their age. This is also the reason why Phil sexually abused Arnold. Phil says to Arnold that it’s totally normal that a “grandparent” does this kind of stuff to their grandchildren.
Arnold is being bullied for his oddly shaped head. This is where another condition Arnold has comes in. Because of Gertie’s and Phil’s old age, Arnold suffers from several psychological conditions. This makes him see things that aren’t there. Because he’s bullied a lot, he escapes to an imaginary world, with imaginary friends. That’s the reason the other characters have weird shaped heads too. It makes him feel like he’s normal, and no one can pick on him because of his head. This also is the reason why Arnold believes that his parents are his grandparents, and that his real parents died in a plane crash. His condition makes him believe that it is reality.
But the reality behind the series is way worse. It is reality. It tells the story about a poor boy living in New York. It’s all based on facts. When the creator got lost in New York he accidentally got in to the poor area. It was really late, so he decided to stay at a hotel. Then he came across a 9-year old boy, the child of two people who were clearly too old to have children. He saw that the boy was mentally unstable, and he believed in all the things he made up. The creator decided to talk to the boy. He felt really sorry for the boy when he discovered the boy only had imaginary friends and would die if he didn’t get medical care quickly. He felt like he needed to do something. So he asked the boy if he could tell his story, and then he’d make sure that the boy’s life would become better.
But he didn’t. He just used the sad story for a TV programme. He just took advantage of it. All the misery was so successful as a children’s’ programme. He became rich and didn’t care about the poor boy suffering.
He did not tell anyone about the way he came up with the idea for the series. He knew that if the truth would come out, it would all be done for him. No one would support a programme created by someone who became rich over the misery of someone else. The secret was well kept for so many years. But when it all came out to one of the important people from the Nickelodeon found out, the show immediately got canceled.
So, now you know it all. Where the idea came from, what it really is about and why it ended. The boy probably is dead by now, we can’t help him anymore. But please, make sure no one takes advantage of someone else’s misery ever again. We can help all those poor kids in ghettos, but not by making a programme about them.
Debunking Hey Arnold! Theory
That Theory is all wrong!
Craig Bartlett is the creator of Hey Arnold!, I’ve read and watched many interviews of him talking about Hey Arnold!, he said that his own personal life was an inspiration for the show.
A friend of mine told me that his wife (Lisa Greoning, Matt Groening’s Sister) Lisa Simpson was the one who suggested for Helga Pataki to be “secretly deeply in love with Arnold”.
Another thing the Theory lies about is why Hey Arnold! got cancelled, the show got cancelled because in the early 2000’s Nickelodeon was going Movie Making, Hey Arnold! sadly wasn’t as big of a hit that the Rugrats was so they decided to cancell it.
So to answer your question with good news: NO! That Theory is completely wrong and that is not the true story for Hey Arnold!.
Siapa yang doyan menyantap telur dadar tarantula?
Meski wujudnya menyeramkan, laba-laba tarantula dikenal sebagai makanan lezat oleh sejumlah masyarakat di seantero Bumi. Misalnya, tarantula panggang disantap oleh “Bushmen” alias Manusia Semak di Afrika Tengah, sementara masyarakat di Thailand Utara dikabarkan suka memanggang laba-laba, setelah kaki-kakinya dicabuti terlebih dahulu. Suka bangsa pribumi di Venezuela, Amerika Selatan, yaitu suku Indian Piaroa, juga pemakan laba-laba. Mereka gemar menyantap tarantula berbulu raksasa pemakam burung, yang punya nama ilmiah Theraposa blondi, yang panjang kakinya bisa mencapai 25cm ketika dibentangkan, sedangkan perutnya berukuran sebesar bola tenis. Ukuran laba-laba tersebut sama dengan piring makan yang biasa kita pakai sehari-hari!
Suku Piaroa gemar berburu tarantula. Ketika mereka berhasil menangkapnya, kaki-kaki tarantula tersebut akan ditekuk ke arah berlawanan, lalu diikat di atas tubuhnya, sehingga dengan mudah dapat dibawa pulang kembali ke perkampungan. Sebelum disajikan menjadi hidangan, mereka menggunakan daun untuk membalikkan bagian perutnya, agar mereka tidak menyentuh bulu-bulunya yang dapat menyebabkan kulit gatal. Kemudian laba-laba tarantula tersebut dibungkus menggunakan sehelai daun dan dipanggang di atas bara arang. Setelah matang, mereka makan laba-laba tarantula dengan cara mencungkili dagingnya, sama seperti makan kepiting.
Cita rasa tarantula hampir mirip dengan udang. Secuil dagingnya dapat terselip di antara gigi, tapi untungnya taring tarantula yang panjang dapat digunakan sebagai tusuk gigi yang sempurna! Jika suku Piaroa berhasil menangkap seekor tarantula betina, mereka akan menekan-nekan perutnya hingga telur-telur keluar dari tubuhnya. Telur-telur itu kemudian dibungkus dalam sehelai daun dan dipanggang di atas api, menjadi hidangan telur dadar tarantula.
Menyantap laba-laba juga populer di Kamboja dan Laos. Di wilayah tersebut, laba-laba biasanya dipanggang di atas api menggunakan sejenis tusuk sate, lalu disajikan dengan garam dan sambal. Sebagian lainnya lebih suka dengan cara menggoreng laba-laba dalam mentega yang dibumbui bawang putih.
Quote #11
Someone will always be prettier.
Someone will always be smarter.
Someone will always be younger.
But they will never be you.
Quote #10
What you’re supposed to do when you don’t like a thing is change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it. Don’t complain.
Quote #9
Sometimes, when you’re mad, you have the right to be mad, but you don’t have the right to be cruel.