Aku telah bebas dari penjara minggu lalu. Sebelumnya, aku telah membunuh empat orang, dan aku juga telah menyesali perbuatanku. Alasan mereka membebaskanku adalah karena mereka mengatakan bahwa aku telah sembuh. Ayah dan Ibuku tidak bekerja, mereka menghabiskan waktunya duduk di ruang keluarga di rumah. Kakak perempuanku berdiam diri di kamarnya sambil mendengarkan radio. Dia sudah berhenti kuliah. Sebelum aku masuk penjara, aku selalu bermain bersama adik laki-lakiku setiap waktu. Sekarang ia hanya tidur di depan televisi. Tak seorangpun dalam keluargaku bicara kepadaku lagi. Aku merasa kesepian. Aku harus membuat makanan sendiri dan mulai mencari pekerjaan.
Cerita Misteri #4
Beberapa hari yang lalu pacarku mengirimkanku e-mail dengan sebuah video sebagai lampirannya. Ketika ku tonton video tersebut, aku dibuat takut. Video tersebut menayangkan bagaimana pacarku melakukan bunuh diri, diawali dengan dia mengikatkan tali di sekitar lehernya dan melompat dari kursi. Mengapa pacarku mengirim sesuatu yang aneh seperti itu? Upacara pemakamannya diselenggarakan besok, tetapi karena alasan tertentu aku tidak mau hadir, tapi aku sangat menyesali kepergiannya.
Cerita Misteri #3
Aku sangat ketakutan semalam, setelah aku membaca cerita yang sangat menakutkan pada suatu website. Yang lebih parah lagi aku sendirian di rumah karena orang tuaku pergi ke luar kota. Jadi, aku menyalakan lampu di kamarku dan pada seluruh koridor yang menuntunku menuju kamar mandi, itu membuatku merasa lebih baik. Satu-satunya hal yang menakutkanku adalah ketika aku selesai mandi dan kembali. Aku menyalakan lampu kamarku, dan pada saat bersamaan seekor kucing melompat ke atap rumahku dan membuat suara gaduh di dekat jendela kamarku. Hal itu membuatku terkaget-kaget.
Cerita Misteri #2
Pada suatu malam isteriku diserang oleh seorang perampok ketika aku sedang dalam perjalanan pulang sehabis lelah bekerja. Isteriku menusuk perampok tersebut dengan pisau yang sedang dibawanya dan membunuhnya. Setelah menyelidiki kasus penusukan tersebut, Polisi menyatakan bahwa itu adalah perlindungan diri yang dilakukan oleh wanita tersebut.
Ketika aku akan menjemputnya dari kantor polisi, dia mengatakan, “Ketika aku mendengar bel pintu kupikir itu adalah kamu, tetapi ternyata adalah perampok bertopeng yang langsung masuk segera setelah aku membuka pintu!”
Sambil memeluknya dengan erat, aku mengatakan, “Kau pasti sangat ketakutan, paling tidak sekarang kau aman.”
Cerita Misteri #1
Beberapa hari yang lalu, aku diajak temanku untuk makan malam dirumahnya. Hal yang menurutku aneh adalah, baru-baru ini ia terlibat pada sebuah ajaran agama yang aneh. Sesampainya aku disana, dia menyuguhiku dengan berbagai macam daging, tetapi ia tidak memberitahuku daging apa itu. Itu sedikit membuatku ragu. Aku mengira bahwa itu adalah daging manusia, tetapi setelah aku memakannya, aku langsung menyadari bahwa itu bukanlah daging manusia.
One cannot say that their life is problem free. You can have as much money as you want, but you will still have some problems. You can be as religious as you want, you will still be faced with a problem. Don’t say to me that God is so good, He will let you through the safe route to heaven. Take a look on Job, so religious yet had problems. Ever seen a man with the whole world chasing him or blocking him from his goal, yet he face it and play his own sound? Scott Pilgrim is the man! Well, that’s a fictional character, but that’s not the point.
You can be called whatever it is by people. Those are only problems and words placed in you. If you don’t like it, then check your self. If it is true, don’t stick with their label and change yourself. If wrong, then rise up and prove them wrong in their face!
You can search on Dashrath Manjhi, the Mountain Man. Mountain blocked his path, then he cut through the mountain. In the end along with a big dedication and spirit and commitment, he showed up as a winner. Man versus a mountain, yet you only face daily struggles like too sweet coffee. Jesus once said, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” If you do not believe in Jesus, well, I don’t want to force you. But here, his word came true.
You see, why the image of this post is a man surfing on a big wave? because that big wave could be a big problem to anyone. I am not telling you do surf when tsunami is coming. I am telling you, that if you only look on how you deal with the problem, anything seemed to be easy.
Report is late because the data is dirty, then try to fix it manually when the tech guy fix the system. Blaming and being angry wont take you anywhere anyway, right?! When the system is down and you had to process your transactions, have a gut and suggest to use the backup system immediately rather than sit around and panic like a duck losing its mother. One precious thing that I learn from my job experience. When you had problems, you can only face it. You can run, but you can’t hide. So you better run to take a better equipment to face it rather than keep running and fall to death.
Bad things do happened to people. Deal with it, break through it, smash it to the ground, make it your vitamin! Even comeback is real in DotA2! And losing is not bad as long as you give a good fight!
Source: www.adityayedija.com
Can You Find The Mistake?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Can you find the mitsake?
Spelling of “mistake”.
Did She Make Any Profit?
A woman bought a used car for $600 and sold it to a friend for $800. She later bought it back for $1,000 and resold it for $1,200. Did she make any profit and if so, how much?
Profit on the first purchase:
$800 – $600 = $200 (i)
Profit on second purchase:
$1,200 – $1,000 = $200 (ii)
Profit she made on the two deals:
(i) + (ii) = $200 + $200 = $400
Cash Flow Analysis:
-$600 + $800 – $1000 + $1200 = +$400
Quote #17
On the Solomon islands, when the tribes need to clear the jungle to make way for fields, they don’t cut down the trees, they simply gather and collect around it, and hurl abuses at the tree, they curse it. Slowly but surely, after some days, the trees begin to wither. It dies on its own.
Quote #16
Life is really not about getting the top grades and competing with others, don’t try stretching all the fingers; they might break! Sometimes in life, it is healthy to be slow and dumb.