We all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us.
Category: Quotes
Kucing, Ikan Asin, dan Aku
Seekor kucing kurus
Menggondol ikan asin
Laukku siang ini
Aku meloncat
Kuraih pisau
Biar kubacok dia
Biar mampus!
Ia tak lari
Tapi mendongak
Menatapku tajam
Mendadak lunglai tanganku
Aku melihat diriku sendiri
Lalu kami berbagi
Kuberi ia kepalanya
(Batal nyawa melayang)
Aku hidup
Ia hidup
Kami sama-sama makan
Wiji Thukul – Penyair
Quote #104
Seseorang tidak bisa menambah hari dalam hidupnya, tetapi ia bisa menambah kehidupan dalam hari-harinya.
Quote #103
If everyone had a personality like you, would world be a better place?
Quote #102
If nobody comes from the future to stop you, how bad can the decision really be?
Quote #101
Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.
Quote #100
If you are very very stupid, how can you possibly realise that you’re very very stupid? You’d have to be relatively intelligent to realise how stupid you are.
Quote #99
Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth.
Quote #98
The mind remembers the words, but the heart remembers how it feels. The mind can forget, but the heart never will.
Quote #97
People change for two main reasons: either their minds have been opened or their hearts have been broken.